Gondolkodom atterek veglegesen ICS-re.
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LoginDorimanx kernel nagyon jol megy a HD romal is gondolom ICS-en is hasonloan jo: You are not allowed to view links.
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LoginViszont App2SD script mindenkeppen kellene. Azt irjak ez jol mukodik: You are not allowed to view links.
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LoginAz install viszont ugy kezdodik, hogy 4ext recovery kell hozza nem a sima CWM. Lehet bennem van a hiba, de hd2-re nem talaltam 4ext recoveryt.
Ez a script leiras szerint jol hangzik. Asszem neki is allok es teszek egy probat.
I think, i should better repost it here))
Made a script, which moves apk and dalvik-cache to ext partition and has no low sound bug. Just as little bonus, it also makes sd-card faster(through changing it's cache to 3072Kb).
Was testing it 3 days - no bugs anymore.
To use this script, you should better format your ext partition as Ext4
(you can flash You are not allowed to view links.
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Login. It will format your ext partition as Ext4 and disable journaling)
If you will see lots of error messages after flashing, reboot your phone, it will happen only once.
You should also delete all of other app2sd scripts(they will conflict).
You are free to use it as you wish(rewrite code, make it a part of your rom etc) You are not allowed to view links.
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