Egy új XxXPachaXxX rom.
Runny Xtreme Surprise - v3.0.0 || Xtreme Fast || Sense 4 Xtreme Beauty |
° Android 2.3.5 - Runnymede WWE Base
° Sense 3.5 with possibilty to change style
° Stock sense with Runny or Bliss Aspect
° Possiblity to install a Sense4 Style Pack during intallation
° Optimized for the BEST Performace!
° Included RCMix Tweaks, fully working offline
° Long Message Hack (SMS - no 756 characters limit)
° Virtuous Optimization Scripts
° Possibilty to install other kernels during installation
REMEMBER: If you know to have camera problems with my kernel, choose RCMix during installation!
° Possibility to install PACHA-I kernel with support to Bluetooth HCI (sixaxis and other apps support...)
° Latest Play Store with a Modded version
° Improved Multi Device Support! see Xtreme Runny thread for info on devices
° Possibility to install other Stuff ( follow the instructions during installation )
° Styled Rosie.apk
° Sense 4.0 NavBar - Three Icon type
° Styled Dialer.apk
° Styled Keyboard
° Gabbana-music's Sense 4.0 Skin for overall style ( download and install )
-CREDIT to Will972 for the help with this stuff
° More Coming.... tnx to Rushness, see the second post for graphic works
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LoginSense4.0 skin:
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LoginÉn a Gabbana_sense4_ver3.apk-t is telepités előtt beleraktam a XxXPachaXxX Xtreme Surprise csak kikell válsztani ha használniszeretném.(system/app mappába helyezni