Bocs az off-ért.
Etz a file-t nem tudom rom managerből flashelni. (nálam is van a gps.conf fileban) Hogyan tudom megváltoztatni?
Próbáld recovery-ből.Ahogy a leírásban is van:
Install Instructions:
1) Download the ZIP file for your region or close to your region.
2) DO NOT UNZIP the file.
3) Place the file on your SDCARD.
4) DO NOT USE MAGDLR, or CWR to copy the file to your SDCard. Use either your computer, or put Android into Disk Drive mode to avoid corruption.
5) Reboot your phone into CWR.
6) Choose Install ZIP from Sdcard
7) Choose install Zip file
Let it run
9) Reboot
10) If you prefer install the GPS Status App attached to post #2
a) If you do, hit the home key then go to settings then Display &Tools.
b) Choose the last one "Show time to GPS fix".
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