[ROM][AROMA] FreedomOS CE 2.2 [7.0][OOS OB10]
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oneplus3: switch to op deskclock app · a week ago
UPDATE: OxygenOS Open Beta 10
- Added Data Saver
- Fixed Lock Screen Clock bug in Portrait Mode
- Fixed Reverting to Default Theme after Reboot
- Optimized Unlocking Speed using Fingerprint
- Optimized the quality of Expanded Screenshot
- Optimized WiFi Performance
- Optimized System Performance and Battery Consumption
ADD: OpenGApps installer with aroma settings
ADD: Google Assistant in aroma @genesixxbf3
ADD: Google Dialer in aroma
ADD: Pixel Launcher in aroma
ADD: Busybox 1.25.1 @YashdSaraf
ADD: A.R.I.S.E Sound system Deuteronomy 2.3.3
ADD: New aroma theme "redback" @kickoff
ADD: Ability to save/load aroma settings (GApps only for now)
REMOVE: OnePlus Google Apps
REMOVE: Google Duo
UPDATE: EmojiOne
UPDATE: SuperSU 2.79 SR1
- Expand Samsung detection
- GUI: reworked portions to work with 'supersu' context on 7.0+
- GUI: fix binary update notice when superuser disabled by user in some cases
- su: reworked portions to work with 'supersu' context on 7.0+
- su/GUI: improve responsiveness when device busy on 7.0+
- sukernel: fix cpio restore failure with very short filenames
- sukernel: no longer patches file_contexts(.bin)
- sukernel: revert force seclabel (no longer needed with 'supersu' context)
- supolicy: add "create", "auditallow", "auditdeny" policy commands
- supolicy: support "*" for permission/range parameter of "allow", "deny", "auditallow", "auditdeny", "allowxperm" policy commands
- supolicy: -live/--file no longer apply default patches if custom patches are supplied
- supolicy: -sdk=X option added (required for 7.0+)
- supolicy: reworked all SELinux rules for 7.0+, run as 'supersu' context
- ZIP: Separate slotselect and system_root logic
- ZIP: Adjust system/system_root device and mount-point detection
- ZIP: Fix minor errors in documentation
- ZIP/frp: Explicitly label /su