[ROM][5X][7.1.1_r26]★ Pure Nexus ★ Substratum | Fi | WiFi Calling ★[03/17/17]
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Login03/17/17 Release Changelog
Update: update to latest march source android_7.1.1_r26
Update: update proprietary binaries for all supported devices
Update: update kernel source for all supported devices
Update: update Masquerade app to ThemeInterfacer for rootless substratum
Update: update translations with the latest from crowdin
Change: move from aosp calculator to prebuilt google calculator
Change: move from aosp keyboard to prebuilt GBoard
Change: move from aosp contacts/dialer to prebuilt google contacts/dialer
Change: hybrid approach to gapps now all devices get pixel style prebuilt gapps
Change: unofficial builds are now called unofficial not homemade
Change: update power menu volume selector to pixel blue
Remove: exposures and modifications from aosp apps we no longer support
Remove: backuptool as it is no longer needed for gapps
Note: a lot of work went into this release and i don't have a 1:1 comparison against last release so the changelog will look smaller than it actually is, various code improvements and bug fixes are included as well, and the hybrid gapps approach is to alleviate issue caused by alternative gapps packages(pixels arleady have had this). The xda Threads will be updated to account for all current features, so use that as more of a changelog this release than this changelog. Now that life has settled down releases should be more often and the next release will be geared towards new features where this release is mainly geared towards stability and rootless substratum.