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Szerző Téma: OnePlus One ROM-ok, kernelek, custom recovery, root  (Megtekintve 159365 alkalommal)

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  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
OnePlus One ROM-ok, kernelek, custom recovery, root
« Dátum: 2014, 08 02, 01:02:15 »
[GUIDE] Return your OPO to 100% Stock (Current Build - XNPH44S)
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  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: OnePlus One ROM-ok, kernelek, custom recovery, root
« Reply #1 Dátum: 2014, 08 02, 01:27:33 »
Akkor ugorjunk a melyvizbe! Aki nem tud uszni annak csak ovatosan! Mentoov elfogyott. Az uszomester pedig szabadsagra ment:-)

1 Elokeszuletek: Ha valakinek nincsen Android SDK a szamitogepen az innen letoltheti a mostani legfrissebbet: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
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Ki kell csomagolni egy konnyen elerheto utvonalra mondjuk C:ADB mappaba ezeket a fileokat: Adb.exe, AdbWinApi.dll, AdbWinUsbApi.dll, AdbWinUsbApi.dll, fastboot.exe
Ha ezzel megvagynk nyissunk egy parancssort navigaljunk a C:ADB mappaba.

2, Bootloader nyitas! Bootloaderbe ugy tudjuk tenni a vasat, hogy kikapcsolt allapotban hangero fel gomb es bekapcsolo egyuttes nyomasaval, amig a fastboot kepernyoig nem jutunk. Irjuk be a parancssorba, hogy fastboot oem unlock enter gomb nyomasa utan ha kerdezi, hogy biztos nyitni szeretnenk akkor hangero gombal a Yes-re tudunk menni es bekapcsolo gombal okezzuk a dolgot. Legalabbis Nexusoknal megkerdez a nyitasnal es figyelmeztet is, hogy a folyamat torli a belso memoriat.

3, Custom recovery TWRP telepitese. Toltsuk le errol a linkrol a mostani legfrissebb recoveryt: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Tegyuk az ADB mappankba. Majd irjuk a parancssorba: fastboot flash recovery openrecovery-twrp- enter lenyomasaval be is flasheltuk a recoveryt. Innentol kezdve azt csinalhatunk a telefonnal amit akarunk.

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  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: OnePlus One ROM-ok, kernelek, custom recovery, root
« Reply #2 Dátum: 2014, 08 02, 01:30:46 »
Ha csak a gyari rendszert szeretnenk rootolni akkor toltsuk le a poszt irasakor legfrissebb recoverybol flashelheto supersu-t innen: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Masoljuk fel a keszulekre, majd inditsuk ujra recovery modeban es ott egyszeruen installaljuk. Ezek utan rootolt lesz a 1+1.

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  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: OnePlus One ROM-ok, kernelek, custom recovery, root
« Reply #3 Dátum: 2014, 08 02, 01:35:20 »
[KERNEL] [GPL] [OPO] franco.Kernel - r8
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Improvement! Merged the latest commits from cyanogenmod repo, which include improvements in: CPU task scheduler with assisted cpu frequency scaling; audio subsystem improvements, video subsystem and cpu cache maintenance (low level subsystem) - yay for fancy words

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  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: OnePlus One ROM-ok, kernelek, custom recovery, root
« Reply #4 Dátum: 2014, 08 02, 01:41:15 »
[ROM] [4.4.4] SlimKat (Bacon) [STABLE/WEEKLY]
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GAPPS-bol tobbfele is van. Mindenki kivalaszthatja maganak a megfelelot. En a normalt hasznalom.

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  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: OnePlus One ROM-ok, kernelek, custom recovery, root
« Reply #5 Dátum: 2014, 08 02, 01:45:16 »
[ROM] [4.4.4] [BACON] Mahdi-Rom 2.7 [07/28]
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GAPPS-bol telpithetjuk a Slim ROM-nal linkelt verziok valamelyiket. Mahdi is ezt ajanlja vagy a PA GAPPS-et.

Things that are currently working on OnePlus One Mahdi:

- WiFi
- Bluetooth
- Mobile Networks
- Sound
- Calls
- LED Notifications
- All Mahdi Customization's (have almost tried them all)
- Theme Engine
- OnePlus Camera with 4k (Install this APK, do not push to /system/app jsut install it) thanks to M4rt1n94
- OnePlus Gallery (Installs with camera apk)
- Torch
- DT2W
- Lock Screen Gestures ("O" for Camera and two finger swipe down for music play and pause. drawing a left or right arrow will skip tracks as well)
- xposed framework
- Disable hardware keys

Things that are currently NOT working on OnePlus One Mahdi:

- Gesture "V" for torch on the lockscreen (we have torch lock ring, use this instead)
- Performance QS Tile changes but does nothing
- Anything else please let us know

-Theme chooser: upstream fixes
-Home button is now functional when incoming call is in the background
-Option to show heads up at the bottom of the screen
-Add support for checking proximity when waking device
-Add option for t9 search input locale
-Add a2dp profile triggers
-Dalvik and busybox updates
-Mms: Use a card-based UI
-Fixed force close in keyboard settings
-Lots more updates and fixes which will not be mentioned here so read the detailed changelog
-Removed wakelock blocker and keyboard animations
-Lots of translation updates from cm, @seilogeo, @toyr99 and @Pixelase

**BUG: Setting a custom image or color on the navigation bar back key doesnt stick, for now don't use this option until its fixed

Nem elérhető Rizsi

  • Örökös tag
  • ****
  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: OnePlus One ROM-ok, kernelek, custom recovery, root
« Reply #6 Dátum: 2014, 08 02, 01:59:36 »
Mindketto ROM kivallo! Nexus tulajok sokan hasznaljuk a Mahdi ROM-ot is es a SlimKat-et is. Elsoben tobb testreszabhatosagi lehetoseg.
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Franco kernel meg szinte kotelezo:-) Francisco Franco egy Zseni! HTC One X-en kezdett kernelt fejleszteni. Akkor meg koptatta az iskolapadot:-) Aztan nagy fordulatot vett es kizarolag Nexusra fejlesztett kernelt. Ido kozben nagyon kitanulta a szakmat, mert egyre jobb uzemidot es teljesitmenyt hozott ki a keszulekeinkbol a kerneleivel. Aztan jott az M8 developer edition es a 1+1 amikor azt mondta ezt a ket vasat felveszi a listara es elkezd rajuk is kernelt fejleszteni sokak oromere. Franco Kernel Udater alkalmazasaval testreszabhatjuk a kernel bealitasait: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

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Re: OnePlus One ROM-ok, kernelek, custom recovery, root
« Reply #7 Dátum: 2014, 08 02, 17:25:54 »
Hű Rizsi, nagyon aktív vagy itt, váltod a Nexust? :)

▇ ▅ █ ▅ ▇ ▂ ▃ ▁ ▁ ▅ ▃ ▅ ▅ ▄ ▅ ▇

Motorola MicroTAC 5200 -> Mitsubishi Trium Astral -> Ericsson A1018s -> Siemens C25 -> Siemens ST60 -> Motorola V3 -> Samsung Galaxy Spica -> Samsung Galaxy S -> HTC One X -> Google Nexus 5 -> OnePlus One

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  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: Re: OnePlus One ROM-ok, kernelek, custom recovery, root
« Reply #8 Dátum: 2014, 08 02, 18:10:45 »
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Hű Rizsi, nagyon aktív vagy itt, váltod a Nexust? :)

▇ ▅ █ ▅ ▇ ▂ ▃ ▁ ▁ ▅ ▃ ▅ ▅ ▄ ▅ ▇
Igen valtom. Majd ha kijon a 6-os:-)

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  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: OnePlus One ROM-ok, kernelek, custom recovery, root
« Reply #9 Dátum: 2014, 08 04, 10:47:47 »
Uj 2.0.2-es flashelheto supersu: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

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  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: OnePlus One ROM-ok, kernelek, custom recovery, root
« Reply #10 Dátum: 2014, 08 06, 05:39:12 »
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Frissult a GAPPS is.
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Nem elérhető Rizsi

  • Örökös tag
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  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: OnePlus One ROM-ok, kernelek, custom recovery, root
« Reply #11 Dátum: 2014, 08 06, 05:50:42 »
[ROM] [4.4.4] [BACON] Mahdi-Rom 2.7 [08/05]
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-Added fix for FakeID vulnerability
-Theme chooser: upstream fixes
-HeadsUp fixes (fixed do not disturb option and disabled on lockscreen)
-Busybox and Bionic updates from CM
-Option to change size of QS ribbon bar
-Option to disable navigation bar IME cursor
-Settings to filter spam notifications
-Make incoming call screen style configurable
-Fix recents clear all bottom padding in landscape
-Disabled multithreaded dexopt by default
-Various fixes in Dialer, InCallUI and Trebuchet
-APN updates
-Tanslation updates thanks to @seilogeo, @toyr99, @Pixelase and @Maxr1998

Oneplus One:
-Added option to choose actions for gestures including a custom app
-Enabled permanant menu key
-Added color and voltage control to kernel
-Lots of upstream fixes from CM

**BUG: Setting a custom image or color on the navigation bar back key doesnt stick, for now don't use this option until its fixed

Nem elérhető Rizsi

  • Örökös tag
  • ****
  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: OnePlus One ROM-ok, kernelek, custom recovery, root
« Reply #12 Dátum: 2014, 08 08, 20:04:31 »
[ROM] [4.4.4] [BACON] Mahdi-Rom 2.7 [08/08]
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Nem elérhető Rizsi

  • Örökös tag
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  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: OnePlus One ROM-ok, kernelek, custom recovery, root
« Reply #13 Dátum: 2014, 08 12, 14:39:18 »
[ROM] [4.4.4] [BACON] Mahdi-Rom 2.7 [08/12]
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-Theme chooser: upstream fixes from cm
-Settings: theme fixes thanks to @rush25
-Busybox updates from CM
-Option to hide traffic monitor when there is no activity
-Option to clear all tasks from recents including the topmost
-Dialpad key padding size options
-Fix screen off gesture settings showing up on devices other than the OnePlus One
-Various fixes in Dialer, Mms, Trebuchet/CMHome
-Tanslation updates thanks to @seilogeo, @toyr99, @The Tox
-Lots more fixes which will not be mentioned here so read the detailed changelog

-All Nexus kernels updated to Linux 3.4.101 (except Grouper)

Oneplus One:
-Fixed bluetooth audio, headset detection issue's and turn by turn voice natigation

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  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: OnePlus One ROM-ok, kernelek, custom recovery, root
« Reply #14 Dátum: 2014, 08 13, 01:16:52 »
[KERNEL] [GPL] [OPO] franco.Kernel - r10
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Improvement! Improvements in the scheduler assisted cpu frequency scaling algorithm from CodeAurora

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  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: OnePlus One ROM-ok, kernelek, custom recovery, root
« Reply #15 Dátum: 2014, 08 13, 01:23:00 »
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SlimRoms presents
Weekly 7.2.1
InCallUI: fix blue call button background on some devices
SlimIRC update
Slimrecents: background color && transparency
frameworks/base updates aosp caf
frameworks/av updates aosp caf
display-caf-new updates
display-caf-new updates
external_chromium_org_third_party_openssl updates
more translations
New device: Amami

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  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: OnePlus One ROM-ok, kernelek, custom recovery, root
« Reply #16 Dátum: 2014, 08 15, 10:32:38 »
[KERNEL] [GPL] [OPO] franco.Kernel - r12
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Improvement! Merged the latest patches from CM which fix the high battery drain during idle that was introduced in the latest 30O OTA

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  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: OnePlus One ROM-ok, kernelek, custom recovery, root
« Reply #17 Dátum: 2014, 08 21, 23:19:37 »
[KERNEL] [GPL] [OPO] franco.Kernel - r13
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  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: OnePlus One ROM-ok, kernelek, custom recovery, root
« Reply #18 Dátum: 2014, 08 21, 23:24:30 »
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  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: OnePlus One ROM-ok, kernelek, custom recovery, root
« Reply #19 Dátum: 2014, 08 22, 12:30:20 »
[ROM] [4.4.4] [BACON] Mahdi-Rom 2.7 [08/18]
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  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: OnePlus One ROM-ok, kernelek, custom recovery, root
« Reply #20 Dátum: 2014, 08 23, 23:03:32 »
[KERNEL] [GPL] [OPO] franco.Kernel - r14
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Improvement! Merged audio improvements from CM
New! Added support for MultiROM

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  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: OnePlus One ROM-ok, kernelek, custom recovery, root
« Reply #21 Dátum: 2014, 08 23, 23:24:01 »
[ROM] [4.4.4] [BACON] Mahdi-Rom 2.7 [08/23]
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  • Örökös tag
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  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: OnePlus One ROM-ok, kernelek, custom recovery, root
« Reply #22 Dátum: 2014, 09 02, 11:24:23 »
[KERNEL] [GPL] [OPO] franco.Kernel - r15
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Improvement! Merged the latest commits from CM
Improvement! Merged improvements for my Hotplug driver
Improvement! More misc changes - you can check them at github

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  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: OnePlus One ROM-ok, kernelek, custom recovery, root
« Reply #23 Dátum: 2014, 09 03, 17:55:37 »
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Fix Recent Panel defaulting to white on clean flash
Frameworks_av: Upstream from CM (caf)
Media-caf: Upstream from cm
Display-caf: Upstream from cm
Audio-caf: Upstream from cm
Display-caf-new: Upstream from cm
External_tinyalsa: Minor updates
Vendor_slim: Update APN list
Updates translations

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  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: OnePlus One ROM-ok, kernelek, custom recovery, root
« Reply #24 Dátum: 2014, 09 04, 07:37:38 »
[ROM] [4.4.4] [BACON] Mahdi-Rom 2.7 [09/03]
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**CLEAN FLASH IS REQUIRED, or go to data/data/com.android.providers.telephony/database
and delete blacklist.db and blacklist.db-journal.

-Theme chooser: upstream fixes
-AppOps: fix checking user permissions before enabling/disabling wifi
-Add persistent notification when USB OTG is connected
-Fix slim recent panel defaulting to white on clean flash
-Add reverse lookup provider "Das Telefonbuch" (DE)
-Setup wizard cleaned up, much cleaner experience
-Fixed a bug in quiethours qs tile which caused high battery drain
-APN updates

*Frameworks and settings clean up
-spent some time looking through these projects and cleaned up things
in services, keyguard, systemui and settings

*Lockscreen notifications improvements and fixes
add option to:
-enable/disable if notification is actually dismissed
-force enable low priority notifications
-fixed nullpointers

-not being able to add short numbers
-force close when blacklist button was pressed in in-call ui

*Enabled some options by default on a clean flash and fixed some options which shouldnt have been enabled
-circle battery
-double tap status bar to sleep
-notification count
-quicksettings quick pulldown to the right

-screen on led
-flip tiles and vibrate tiles
-recents clear all
-navbar ime cursor

*Removed options:
-custom lockscreen color options
-quiethours auto sms, call bypass
-battery saver led and vibrate option

-Tanslation updates thanks to CM, @seilogeo, @toyr99, @Pixelase, @The Tox, @michaelz93,
@Alberto97 and @jbnitro
-Big Japanese translation update (not sure if your a user on xda but good work)