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Framworks: BroadcastQueue: fix class typo of next receiver
Framworks: fix on tablets notification drawer height on custom image background
Framworks: restore navbar compatibility with several xposed modules
Framworks: Vpn: Setup routes.
Framworks: Add EdgeGesture service.
Frameworks: SlimPie
Frameworks: fix qs and notification shade toggle on expanded desktop
Frameworks: Add user protection and pie/navbar toggle to SlimActions
Framworks: Make sure to turn off led after pulse()
Frameworks: a nicer resize with better quality
Framworks: SystemUI: Slim Actions to Shortcuts
Frameworks: fix navbar and pie icons for tablets and RTL
Framworks: clean up the AOSP tablet icon mess
deskclock: internationalize repeat days layout
Camera: fix crash on screen off-on on preview screen
Camera: Disable Camera Launcher when both Front and Back sensors are not ...
Mms: Fix to return to previous activity when a sms/mms notification is selected.
MMS: Fix The slideshow can't be shown in the message
Mms: Fix the send button disappearance after selecting the forward recipient
DownloadProvider: Add Download Speeds in notification
Bionic: libc: krait: Implement optimized versions of memmove and bcopy
Devices: again a lot fixes and upstream
General: a lot small fixes for comming stable release
General: updated translation