[ROM] [5.0.2] [HAMMERHEAD] Euphoria-OS 1.0 [Jan 08]
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HeadsUp options
-Blacklist and Do not disturb
-Timeout control
-Left swipe dismiss
-Right swipe put into background
-Swipe down opens notification drawer and moves the notification into it
-HeadsUp button in status bar header
Quick Settings
-Add long click support
-Add Haptic Feedback to tiles
-Auto collapse panel
-Replace recents clear all button with a fab button
-Option to ignore the last app when clearing recents
-Fixed Battery style bugs
-Status bar carrier label options
-Navigation bar options (enable/disable and dimensions)
-Left handed navbar during landscape mode
-Wifi notifications: notify when wifi connects
-Option to disable fullscreen keyboard
-Make "SD Card removed" notification dismissible
-Fix volume key music controls and wake up
-Power connect/disconnect notification support
-Swap volume buttons
-Add option to scramble pin layout when unlocking
-Screen Recorder (thanks to +kousuke nagano for the pull requests)
-Material update for Gallery
-Added Open Delta
-Removed CMFileManager and Terminal
*Su is now fully integrated into AppOps, there are no Superuser settings anymore. You will have to enable root access in development settings and then when you open a root app a privacy guard dialogue su will appear with options to grant access and to remember the preference. These preferences can be changed in privacy guard setting by long pressing the app. I've tested with titanium backup and many other of my root apps and everything is working perfect, you still have the option to flash SuperSU but I love this new implementation as its more integrated and secure, you even get a notification when a Su session is running (this can be disabled).
-New wallpaper thanks to +Dimitris Ps
French, German, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Russian and Spanish translation updates thanks to +Alexander Westphal, +Cristian Morcillo Asensi, +renaud rolland, +Robin Vannieuwenhuijse, Alexander Babaj, Michał and marcocro.