SlimKat beta 1 weekly
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LoginAnd here you go:
Fully customizable quick settings the new way with new included music tiles and features
Notification drawer and quicksettings background as well with tablet support now
Notification transparency
Notification drawer shortcuts
Hide carrier label on notification drawer
Wifi access point is shown in notification drawer
Easy full swipe access between notification drawer and quicksettings
Quick pulldown for quick settings
Quick settings style options
Battery icon the new slim way reflected on quicksettings as well
Fully Clock and date customization on status bar
Statusbar brightness controll
Fully revamped navigation bar and navigation ring customizations much more ehanced to 4.3
Fully global menu customization the new way
Mute Volume adjust sound
Ascending ringtone
Quiet hours new extended version
Mute Camera shutter sound
Control safe headset warning
Volume rocker music control
Less frequent notification sounds
Power connectivity alert
Fully customizable volume panel
Display rotation options
Fully customizable auto brigthness hysterese
CRT animation the new way with new animation as well
Notification light options
Battery light options if device supports it
Volume rocker wake
Wake up on charge
Slims full customizable low battery warning
Enable/disable camera widget on lockscreen
Enable carusell animation on lockscreen
disable initial page hints on lockscreen
start widgets maximized on lockscreen
Fully revamped lockscreen target options
Lockscreen shortcuts
Lock before unlock the new way
Pattern size customizing
Systemwide blacklist support for calls and sms/mms
Slims Privacy Guard the new way
Auto keyboard rotation feature
Disable fullscreen keyboard
IME selector notification
Show permanent enter key on keyboard
Volume key cursor control
Mediascanner behaviour on boot
Wifi country code
Camera smart capture
Camera picture quality
Camera gps indicator
Camera color filter options
Camera completly menu revamp the new way
Gallery video smart controll
SMS/MMS has completly all feature back from 4.3
None intrusive incall UI
Dialer has all features back from 4.3
Torch app
System wide immersive mode aka expanded desktop
and tons tons of fixes on google code, revamps on old code, new features and polishing of old features and for sure a lot we still forgot to list here
Known bugs:
Navigation bar recents button sometimes need to be presses twice
SMS sending sms with private codes results in a crash
Lockscreen when carusell animation is enabled dragging the camera icon messes the animation
Icons on global menu are sometimes a bit distored....not much