Pontosan hol akadtál el? Firewater-rel próbáltad, ugye?
Tapatalked from my M8
Próbáltam azzal is meg a rumrunnerel is. Nem tudom hogy az számít valamit hogy kártya független és a gépen win 8.1 et használok valahol mintha olvastam volna hogy azzal nem működik? Firewaterel így néz ki:
C:\mini-sdk>adb reboot
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
C:\mini-sdk>adb wait-for-device push firewater /data/local/tmp
2871 KB/s (4519496 bytes in 1.537s)
C:\mini-sdk>adb push temproot /data/local/tmp
431 KB/s (68576 bytes in 0.155s)
C:\mini-sdk>adb shell
ViperOne@/# chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/temproot
chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/temproot
ViperOne@/# chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/firewater
chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/firewater
ViperOne@/# /data/local/tmp/temproot
run_root_shell, thanks fi01 - You are not allowed to view links.
Register or
- Attempting to acquire root. This will take 5-10 minutes, be patient
error in setsockopt().
Failed to get prepare_kernel_cred address.
Failed to get commit_creds address.
Failed to get ptmx_fops address.
Failed to setup variables.
1|ViperOne@/# /data/local/tmp/firewater
==================== firewater S-OFF ===========================
firewater S-OFF comes with NO WARRANTY (express or implied)
and NO GUARANTEE OF FITNESS for any particular task.
We have made every effort we can to make this a safe process for users
however the authors disclaim any liability for damage to your phone
or other materials or devices used during this process.
The entire risk of running firewater S-OFF lies with you, the user.
By using this software you acknowledge and accept that the authors
are not liable for any loss, material or otherwise howsoever caused.
firewater S-OFF may not be rehosted, repackaged, one-clicked, etc.
support is available @ #firewater on the freenode and andirc networks
support is much faster there vs. posting helpme threads on xda etc
Do not operate a motor vehicle after interacting with firewater
Do not inhale firewater or allow firewater to come in contact with eyes
firewater is best served at extremely cold temperatures
firewater has been known to cause temporary lapses in judgement
Do you understand the implications of these warnings?
********** whelp, this sucks, firewater can not work on your device **********
********** no amount of reflashing, retrying, or ruuing will fix... **********
********** DO NOT COME TO IRC ASKING FOR UPDATES OR ETAS!!!!!! **********
********** if we are able to fix this issue, it will be announced **********
********** bye bye.....sorry it didn't work out. **********