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Fix SystemUI memory leak and some cleanup
Fix linnked volumes does not persist on reboot
Fix possible NPE and missing expandable panel
Fix lockscreen slider logic
Recents do not kill favorite apps
Fix kill all recents fc
Check if faceunlock is disabled
Change sql to improve performance
Various small fixes for DSPManager
Dialer/UnCallUI/Telephony code cleanup
CM upstream to keymaster
Quite Hours automatic switch
Add "is starred" to quite hours
Disable keyguard widget frame
Lockscreen rotation optional
Fix pin-layout
Fix palm rejection (Galaxy Note devices)
Fix possible ANR and navigation freeze
Fix possible denial with selinux
Fix Gallery permissions for extsdcard
Massive update to frameworks av, frameworks native, system_core, audio-caf, display-caf, media-caf. for caf devices from cm
Various tweaks to jf and d2 devices
G2 lots of kernel and device changes
Upstream for smdk4412 camera driver
P51xx/P3100 fix sim-pin
Fix Xperia Z1 6902 ril problem
Mako/geeb: Update kernel to 3.4.83 && tune CPU boost
Hammerhead: small kernel fixes
d2lte: various network fixes
Update various translations
Gapps: update Google Play Services, added Google Music TRDS version, Playstore TRDS fixes, update Google+