Megerkezett. Ebreszto! Update-re fel:-)
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Login-Change version to 2.5
-Phone: Allow voicemail notifications to be dismissed
-Merge branch 'jb4.2' of git:// into jellybean
-Merge branch 'cm-10.1' of git:// into jellybean
-Track t0lte repos
-Updates to Samsung phones
-Merge branch 'jellybean' of You are not allowed to view links.
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-Enable cLock by default
-Lunch t0lte (add t0lte to build scripts)
-Hybrid for t0lte and future N7100 GSM support
-Get header title
-Settings: rotation settings for devices with hardware rotation lock
-Only change title when not in dual pane
-Fix crash when setting title
-Removing extra options
-Added some French translations.
-fix AirOne's derp on a translation
-Alter for new Kernel compiling inline
-Use GCC 4.6 to compile Faux Enhanced Stock Kernel
-Switch Mako Kernel Source (SlimRoms)
-Kernel shopping again. Final stop, Faux123 (Enhanced stock)
-Fix a space issue in the code
-Code fixes
-Korean translations
-Merge branch 'jellybean' of You are not allowed to view links.
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-Merge "Superuser: added Norwegian translation" into cm-10.1
-Widgets: Remove wrong Czech Superuser translation
-Update kernel codes for Samsung smdk4412
-activity manager tweak-a-roonie
-Revert "Two REMOVE_PROVIDER messages caused by race condition."
-Revert "Fix a programmatic smooth scroll bug"
-just a lil tweakaroonie to make recents draw with hardware acceleration
-Fixed incorrect calculation of dirty invalidation area
-Move vibrator tuning to gnexusparts
-Fix inital Superuser denial - netboy3
-FM Radio: Add support for FM Radio in Android
-FM Radio: use caf naming
-FM Radio: do not try to change thread priority
-FM Radio: avoid deadlock when disabling RDS
-FM Radio: cleanup QCOM_HARDWARE/STE_FM defs and ifdef
-FM-qcom: audio: Add support for FM feature (-Define audio stream for FM, -Define audio source for FM RX
and FM RX A2DP)
-Renaming some stuff
-Lockscreen target fixes
-Remove some codes
-SECURITY FIX: Fix package uids being reused between uninstall and reinstall of different packages.
-New versioning technics dude
-Move fragments (Interface & Pie)
-Allow calls to su on nonDebug builds
-Update of some French Translations
-Fix Photosphere/Camera FCs
-Wifi: Get the list of supported channels
-Add UsbDebuggingManager and UsbDebuggingActivity to LegacyUsbManager
-Correct executable bit for source files
-wifi: Fix StringIndexOutOfBoundsException for incorrectly encoded SSIDs
-QwertyKeyListener: Add support for www and .com key
-Externalize symbol picker options to resources
-Merge branch 'jellybean' of You are not allowed to view links.
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-wpa_supplicant: Add get_capability freq
-Merge branch 'cm-10.1' of git:// into jellybean
-Add Koush's superuser into Settings
-Embed Superuser into System Settings
-Add preference for enabling root access
-SECURITY FIX: Fix package uids being reused between uninstall and reinstall of different packages.
-Merge branch 'jellybean' of You are not allowed to view links.
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-Wifi: Add frequency selection for new IBSS
-DataUsageSummary: fix mobile data usage display for sim-less devices
-Remove some codes
-Track AOKP's instead
-little blue? (android-logo-shine)
Below deals with updates to building the ROM
-build: fix device assertions
-Remove unused RunConfig.
-releasetools: Add support for BML partition type
-add unpackbootimg to otatools
-This is causing generic_armv5-userdebug builds to fail. Commenting out for now to fix recovery
servers. Will fix properly later.
-build: display the full path of the installed libs, to allow copy paste
-Does not copy anything
-Fix up the get-file-size function that was broken due to the prior commit that made it utilize gnu stat
-Use less heap space for dex on 32-bit build hosts
-Make the recovery ramdisk target depend on $(MKBOOTIMG) $(INTERNAL_BOOTIMAGE_FILES)
rather than $(INSTALLED_BOOTIMAGE_TARGET). This fixes the circular dependency for when
the kernel depends on the recovery ramdisk, which depends on the boot image, which depends on the kernel.
-build: fix target header overlay
-Fix "build: display the full path of the installed libs, to allow copy paste"
-unpackbootimg: add a target specifically for unpackbootimg.
-fix sdk target with absolute OUT_DIR
-Fix SmokeTest
-Add ARMv6J and ARMv6-VFP processor combo option
-Add recoveryzip target. Import recovery building/porting tools.
-create a target for utilities
-Fix up the autoinclusion rules for the utilities and recoveryimage target
-ota: Build uboot bootable images when necessary
-build: Add support for assembling multi-image uboot files
-Extract uboot image creation from core/Makefile
-Fix up the recovery.fstab for adv recovery
-Include the primary bootloader and ramdisk in the BOOT/
-Require signapk.jar for Flakeflash images
-Allow low memory machine to build with a smaller java emulator.
-Remove the line that deletes *.rc from the recovery ramdisk.
-Build fixes