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Szerző Téma: ROM-ok, kernelek  (Megtekintve 136854 alkalommal)

0 Felhasználó és 2 vendég van a témában

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Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #150 Dátum: 2013, 07 17, 11:51:25 »
[ROM][4.2.2] ★ XYLON ★ | Official | Mako | Linaro | v2.7.7 7/10
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July 10
Merge remote branch 'busybox_net/1_21_stable' into cm-10.1
-BusyBox: Merge branch 'cm-10.1' into 'jellybean'
-Merge branch 'jb4.2' of git://github.com/SlimRoms/packages_apps_Phone into jellybean
-Merge branch 'cm-10.1' of You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login into cm-10.1
-Update btif_media_task.c
-a2dp hw: adding a2dp tuning through bdroid_buildcfg.h
-Bluetooth losing HF connection to car-kit after 5 seconds
-Merge branch 'cm-10.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_hardware_libhardware into HEAD
-DSPManager: Implement missing equalizer commands
-CallTracker: Add delay to reduce cpu load
-CallTracker: Add additional check for pendingMO to verify that a dial is happening and we are expecting a call to appear when repeated polling of GET_CURRENT_CALLS.
-Merge "PhoneProxy: when using v6 or greater ril make sure current phone type isnt GSM" into cm-10.1
-Merge branch 'cm-10.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_opt_telephony into jellybean

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Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #151 Dátum: 2013, 07 18, 20:56:58 »
[ROM][4.2.2] ★ XYLON ★ | Official | Mako | Linaro | v2.7.7 7/18
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July 18
-libstagefright: Add Dolby UDC decoder support (Add support for ARM based AC3/EAC3 decoder)
-libstagefright: Additional UDC software decoder support
-frameworks/av: Fix race condition during LPA/tunnel playback
-audioflinger: Fix crash on delete effectchain from google music app
-stagefright: support multiple tunnel instances
-audioflinger: Do not apply effect on multichannel content
-Proper cleanup of Tunnel and LPA during Error
-DashClock: Build-related fix
-Disable phone-related extensions on non-telephony devices
-Tweak colors for daydream
-Add iconUri() method to ExtensionData. Fixes issue 67.
-DashClock: Minor UI tweak
-DashClock: Make the collapsed/expanded threshold higher for the lock screen
-Mark implicit uses-feature's as non-required
-DashClock: Tweak presentation of weather low/high and forecast
-Fix SMS not showing up on some Samsung devices that don't support all the SMS provider's private API methods. Ugh, private APIs. Really wish we could stop using this one.
-Fix crash related to ViewPager code update
-Clean up code paths for weather based on manual or geolocation. Fixes issue 478.
-Fix little crash for pub console
-Minor swipe to dismiss fix
-Updated strings from translators (thanks y'all)
-DashClock version changed to 1.5 Beta 5
-Update strings and bump version for 1.5 release
-DashClock: Fixed Derp
-DashClock: Fix NPE
-Store phone blacklist in content provider Also show contact name in blacklist.
-Add android.permission.INTERCEPT_SMS permission.
-Merge branch 'jb4.2' of git://github.com/SlimRoms/packages_apps_Phone into jellybean
-Bionic changes
-Merge branch 'cm-10.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_opt_telephony into jellybean
-Revert "PhoneProxy: when using v6 or greater ril make sure current phone type isnt GSM"
-Merge "Refactor SMS Middleware and SMS Send path." into cm-10.1
-Merge branch 'cm-10.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_opt_telephony into jellybean
-SMS Broadcast result receiver fix: Fix bug where sentIntents is pulled from the wrong bundle key.
-SamsungQualcommRIL: fix passing isgsm flag
-Merge branch 'cm-10.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_opt_telephony into jellybean
-DeskClock: Fix landscape graphic defect
-Irda: Added IrDA HAL Library
-Mako Kernel changes/updates
-compression: decreased values by 1/4 to accomodate lpa mode and a more precise tuning
-Unique: Reduce Equalizer bands by 10% to reduce distortion at high compression/bass boost
-Fix Invalid Int: 112.5
-Fix invalid int

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Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #152 Dátum: 2013, 07 20, 08:07:18 »
SlimBean weekly build.7.5

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AIO_Aroma.4.2.2.build.7.x: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

Fix IllegalArgumentException in Privacy Guard
USB: gadget: mass_storage added sysfs entry for cdrom to LUNs
Fix bootzip. Install signapk to sign the packages and some cleanup
Fix room service to allow dependency override 
Exynos: Update Mali drivers

Kernel: Update 3.4.53
Re enable Krait retention
Add support for LZ4 compressed kernel

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Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #153 Dátum: 2013, 07 22, 06:44:57 »
[KERNEL][GPL][N4] franco.Kernel - r164

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* Slight change on how the Hotplug driver takes care of the cpus. The deciding algorithm is the same with 0 changes, but now cpu0 load decides if cpu2 comes online or stays offline and cpu1 load decides the same for cpu3. So its as if cpu0 was tied to cpu2 and cpu1 to cpu3, theoretically speaking.

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Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #154 Dátum: 2013, 07 23, 09:24:00 »
[KERNEL][GPL][N4] franco.Kernel - r165

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* Increase thermal throttle threshold from 60 ºC to 65 ºC
* Run the Hotplug algorithm 10 times per second just like r163 and older (r164 was checking it 4 times per second)
* Some other misc changes

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Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #155 Dátum: 2013, 07 23, 18:11:44 »
Ne tegyetek fel az r165-ot lefagy a touch panel ha kell ha nem. Ha fent van a touch control ha nincs. Iszok meg 3 sort azt irok Franconak, hogy ez igy nem franko:-)

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Re: Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #156 Dátum: 2013, 07 23, 20:36:30 »
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Ne tegyetek fel az r165-ot lefagy a touch panel ha kell ha nem. Ha fent van a touch control ha nincs. Iszok meg 3 sort azt irok Franconak, hogy ez igy nem franko:-)

Nalam minden rendben.

Tapatalk 4 Bétával küldve Nexus 4-ről

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Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #157 Dátum: 2013, 07 24, 15:48:49 »
Ezzel kezdtem a Nexus palyafutasomat. Millionyi valtozas tortent azota. Lehet teszek majd egy latogatast Slim Bean-rol.


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  • PDA: Nexus 6P 32GB Silver
  • PDA ROM: Stock 7.1.1 ROM + Systemless root [KERNEL] ElementalX
Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #158 Dátum: 2013, 07 24, 16:44:01 »
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Ezzel kezdtem a Nexus palyafutasomat. Millionyi valtozas tortent azota. Lehet teszek majd egy latogatast Slim Bean-rol.


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pár hete ezt használom, mert nagyon megtetszett benne a HALO, azóta is tart a szerelem, nyugodt szívvel ajánlom (bluetooth bug még mindig megvan)

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Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #159 Dátum: 2013, 07 24, 19:55:38 »
elérhető a 4.3.. ;)
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Tudnátok segíteni hogy ezt hogyen tudom felvarázolni? Már letöltöttem. Ha gépről frissítek elvesznek az adatok vagy minden marad akár csak ha a telefonon keresztül frissítenék?


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Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #160 Dátum: 2013, 07 25, 05:52:39 »
Factory Images "occam" for Nexus 4
4.3 (JWR66V)
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MD5 Checksum: 9d33973a61fa9266244fc43397888703

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Re: Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #161 Dátum: 2013, 07 25, 05:54:39 »
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elérhető a 4.3.. ;)
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Tudnátok segíteni hogy ezt hogyen tudom felvarázolni? Már letöltöttem. Ha gépről frissítek elvesznek az adatok vagy minden marad akár csak ha a telefonon keresztül frissítenék?

Ha geprol frissitesz ugrik minden. Ha gyari rom van fent akkor ugyis szol, hogy itt az OTA frissites. Az megtart mindent.

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Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #162 Dátum: 2013, 07 25, 13:57:49 »
Recoverybol flashelheto uj 4.3-mas romhoz tartozo radio: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

Ez pedig az uj bootloader: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

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Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #163 Dátum: 2013, 07 26, 07:31:37 »
[Kernel] (ver 018) Mako JB 4.3 (UV Control/CPU/GPU OC/Hybrid Linux 3.4+) [Jul-25]
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Mar az uj 4.3-mas JB kernelen dolgozik.

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Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #164 Dátum: 2013, 07 27, 14:18:25 »
Van Franconak 4.3-mas kernele r170. Nyaral ezert nem volt ideje frissiteni az OP-ot. Dropboxbol toltheto: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

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Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #165 Dátum: 2013, 07 28, 14:02:28 »
SlimBean weekly build.7.8

This week we have some special changes. Most of the changes were made under the hood, with thousands of lines of code simplified, removed and consolidated to provide not only a better experience with 4.2.2, but also as a cleaner, better foundation for 4.3.
In that process we reordered the position of the features. We created a feature tree so that you can look up what the new position of a feature is.
Please use it and don't flood the threads with question of "Where did feature X go?"
Click on it to get the full version or get the PDF: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

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Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #166 Dátum: 2013, 07 29, 07:25:36 »
Franco irta tegnap a threadjeben:
"Ok I'm back from vacation. Here's r171 attached. Only thing that it doesn't have is Color Control, Sound Control, and fsync on/off, for now, which I will be working on later today. It has 106 commits on top of stock JWR66V Kernel source release. This build DOES NOT has the GPU commits on the JSS something AOSP build, I don't plan on having two separate builds of this Kernel so I'll stick with the Image Kernel sources for a while until I figure out a way to make it work on all builds (not sure that is going to be possible as it may need JSS because of its GPU userspace binaries etc). This version is not out on the updater app because I have to issue an update later today to support 4.3 Kernel downloads etc etc... Just got back home so I'll be busy with Android through the night and the next days, don't ask for ETA's or anything, I'll work on my own pace.

It has some other work that differentiates from r165 and the 4.2.x releases, for example the GPU is now sleeping at 128MHz instead of sleeping at 320MHz (stock behaviour) - sleeping in this term means that there is no GPU load (for example when reading a e-book) so it idles at 128MHz. There are some other things, but I'll push the source code in the next minutes, so you can read through it."

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Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #167 Dátum: 2013, 07 29, 09:34:14 »
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A gapps most nem frissult. Akkor ezen a heten meg nincs 4.3:-(

Nem elérhető wh1zZ

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Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #168 Dátum: 2013, 07 29, 15:26:08 »
Semaphore kernelt nem használ valaki vagy nem probálta esetleg?Anno SGS-en nagyon ott volt a srác.

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Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #169 Dátum: 2013, 07 31, 00:27:41 »
Franco irta a threadjeben.
"Heres r172, which should be uploaded for downloading from the app later today, I don't have enough bandwidth at the moment to upload to the server. It contains gamma, sound and fsync toggles. Should be ready for nightly release.

Let me know how this one goes before I push it to the server when I'm back home, I didn't test this boot.img much throughly."

A kernel boot.img innen toltheto: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

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Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #170 Dátum: 2013, 07 31, 07:51:57 »
Kozben mar kint van a szerveren is.
[KERNEL][GPL][N4] franco.Kernel - r172
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* Started from a clean state from 4.3 Kernel sources
* All the previous functionalities
* Only works on JWR66V builds for now (Stock Google images)

Nem elérhető wh1zZ

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Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #171 Dátum: 2013, 07 31, 15:13:08 »
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Kozben mar kint van a szerveren is.
[KERNEL][GPL][N4] franco.Kernel - r172
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* Started from a clean state from 4.3 Kernel sources
* All the previous functionalities
* Only works on JWR66V builds for now (Stock Google images)

Szineket csak akkor tudok állitani ha megveszem playen a progiját??

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Re: Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #172 Dátum: 2013, 07 31, 20:01:16 »
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Szineket csak akkor tudok állitani ha megveszem playen a progiját??

Nem elérhető wh1zZ

  • Hozzászólások: 142
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Re: Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #173 Dátum: 2013, 07 31, 20:11:03 »
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Az komoly és igy alapjáraton hogy kb semmit nem tudok állitani igy is megéri feltenni?

Nem elérhető wh1zZ

  • Hozzászólások: 142
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Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #174 Dátum: 2013, 07 31, 20:57:11 »
Még egy kérdés bocsi nem tudtam már szerkeszteni...

A bootloader meg a radio az otán ekresztül frissült vagy azt külön kell frissiteni vagy egyáltalán kell e?