[ROM][4.2.2] ★ XYLON ★ | Official | Mako | Linaro | v2.7.7 7/18
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-libstagefright: Add Dolby UDC decoder support (Add support for ARM based AC3/EAC3 decoder)
-libstagefright: Additional UDC software decoder support
-frameworks/av: Fix race condition during LPA/tunnel playback
-audioflinger: Fix crash on delete effectchain from google music app
-stagefright: support multiple tunnel instances
-audioflinger: Do not apply effect on multichannel content
-Proper cleanup of Tunnel and LPA during Error
-DashClock: Build-related fix
-Disable phone-related extensions on non-telephony devices
-Tweak colors for daydream
-Add iconUri() method to ExtensionData. Fixes issue 67.
-DashClock: Minor UI tweak
-DashClock: Make the collapsed/expanded threshold higher for the lock screen
-Mark implicit uses-feature's as non-required
-DashClock: Tweak presentation of weather low/high and forecast
-Fix SMS not showing up on some Samsung devices that don't support all the SMS provider's private API methods. Ugh, private APIs. Really wish we could stop using this one.
-Fix crash related to ViewPager code update
-Clean up code paths for weather based on manual or geolocation. Fixes issue 478.
-Fix little crash for pub console
-Minor swipe to dismiss fix
-Updated strings from translators (thanks y'all)
-DashClock version changed to 1.5 Beta 5
-Update strings and bump version for 1.5 release
-DashClock: Fixed Derp
-DashClock: Fix NPE
-Store phone blacklist in content provider Also show contact name in blacklist.
-Add android.permission.INTERCEPT_SMS permission.
-Merge branch 'jb4.2' of git://github.com/SlimRoms/packages_apps_Phone into jellybean
-Bionic changes
-Merge branch 'cm-10.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_opt_telephony into jellybean
-Revert "PhoneProxy: when using v6 or greater ril make sure current phone type isnt GSM"
-Merge "Refactor SMS Middleware and SMS Send path." into cm-10.1
-Merge branch 'cm-10.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_opt_telephony into jellybean
-SMS Broadcast result receiver fix: Fix bug where sentIntents is pulled from the wrong bundle key.
-SamsungQualcommRIL: fix passing isgsm flag
-Merge branch 'cm-10.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_opt_telephony into jellybean
-DeskClock: Fix landscape graphic defect
-Irda: Added IrDA HAL Library
-Mako Kernel changes/updates
-compression: decreased values by 1/4 to accomodate lpa mode and a more precise tuning
-Unique: Reduce Equalizer bands by 10% to reduce distortion at high compression/bass boost
-Fix Invalid Int: 112.5
-Fix invalid int