[ROM][4.2.2] ★ XYLON ★ | Official | Mako | Linaro | v2.7.7 5/25
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LoginMay 25
-Frameworks: Merge branch 'cm-10.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_native into HEAD
-Frameworks Telephony: Merge "RIL: Correct the RIL_REQUEST_DIAL api missmatch" into cm-10.1
-Phone: Merge branch 'jb4.2' of git://github.com/SlimRoms/packages_apps_Phone into jellybean
-Contacts: Fix: reported TRDS icon issue
[KERNEL][GPL][N4] franco.Kernel - r142
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* Automatically online a cpu with a boosted frequency instead of waiting
a sample for recalculation of load bla bla. If a core goes online it should be
because there is a bigger load so to save ms and to get better performance
the core comes online boosted to hispeed_freq that comes from interactive gov;
* Wait 5 seconds before scaling up interactive tunables on high load. Sometimes
just by interacting with the UI around we can *ocasionally* have the four cores
online, but we don't really need the high performance tunables. If we're gaming
we'll hit this 5 seconds easily;
* New first_level default, decreased from 90 to 80;
* Interactive defaults changed: timer_rate to 50000, go_hispeed_load to 95, hispeed_freq to 1350MHz, input_boost_freq to 1188MHz. This should help battery life when the load is low while maintaining some smoothness if we suddenly need the processing power
* Bunch of patches from Linux upstream Kernel and CodeAurora (check git)