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Sajnos ebben nincs tapasztalatom, mert ahogy megvettem a vasat 1 orara ra mar a paranoid android volt rajta. Ahogy kijott a 4.2.2-es frissites feltettem, hogy frissuljon a bootloader meg a radio, de masnap mar ment is vissza az akkori uj alapu custom rom. Most rekord ideje van fent a gyari rom csutortok ota, mert problemak vannak a 4.3-mas image osszefesulesevel. Amit ajanlani tudok az egy leiras ami alapjan adatvesztes nelkul felteheto a gyari OTA frissites. You are not allowed to view links.
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Scenario #1
You are completely stock. Unlocked/locked bootloader. No root
Continue to Section A
Section A: adb sideload
NOTE:Make sure you have the latest version of adb. It seems people are having issues with older versions. Its attached at the bottom Provided by-xaueious
1) Download the OTA.zip on your PC, rename the file update.zip, and place file in the same directory as adb.
2) Connect your phone and boot into the bootloader
3) Toggle to “recovery mode” and press power. You’ll see android laying down, press power then immediately press volume up and release. The menu will appear. Select “apply update from adb”
4) Open up command prompt from the directory above on your PC and type: 'adb sideload update.zip' The file will load and it will begin to update.
5) Reboot