Kernels 8.31 and 9.31 ONLINE!
New updates and huge fix and rework of CORTEX script, thanks to Voku and Alucard for help
Change Log:
*Fixed and reworked CORTEX logic, all functions work! as should.
*Alucard made updates to Nighmare GOV.
*Voku helped with improving Cortex logic.
*Pulled all updates to SoftIRQ code from 3.10.y
*Pulled Kmod updates from Google Android 3.9.RC7
*Fixed OOM profiles in STweaks, and more broken tweaks on the way.
*Disabled Kernel watchdog, Android ROM has it's own, no need for 2.
*Good code change to Vibrate code, now can be tuned to vibrate harder.
*Fixed failed symlink to /mnt/sdcard now OK!
*Updated init BOOT + ADB + CHARGER from Latest CM-KERNEL initramfs.
Need to test Nightmare GOV, we need reports, stability is 95% need to have 100!