Nekem is fagy napi egyszer-kétszer,de azt hittem egyedi probléma. Ezek szerint nem.
Már kint van a 9.21 remélem ebben orvosolták a fagyásokat.
Change Log:
*Pulled updates to main kernel code from 3.10.y kernel.
*Pulled new WIFI driver from SG4 Source + my mods to save power.
*Alucard tuned/fixed/added updates to Nightmare Gov.
*I have removed Interactive CPU GOV from system, it's was unstable.
*I have added code fix to all active CPU govs, that improve stability and performance
*I have removed some old hacks to allow new code to work as should.
*I have cleaned logs from debug alerts, (need more work on some more cleaning)
*Upgraded LINARO to 13.4 GCC 4.7.3 kernel builder.
*Merged lost Sammy functions to video drivers and UMP from SAMMY kernel and from older code from backups.
Video working great and Smooth! even little more FPS on heavy load.
*Tuned Kernel flags optimization, removed dangerous mods. better safe than stuck! (and little less score on bench apps) but you will not see the difference.
*I have found not matching code in 8.XX branch, that exist in 9.XX branch,
seems i missed update, i have merged all that needed, this should restore stability.
OK, time to TEST and report good/bad news.