DHD-s korszakomba régebben nagy Core fan voltam, de az utolsó pár hónapban kiadott romjai nem sikerültek valami jóra!
Ki kellene próbálni mit alkotott ICS-vel, de nincs kedvem romolgatni, nagyon jó az InsertCoin 4.5.0!
A 3-24-est kell leszedjem?
"I really want to use the latest ICS! How do I go about doing this?
I get this PM'd to me a lot. The best way I have seen to do it is as shown (Thanks to PaulGiz)
1. Do some reading as this is a bit different and harder than a normal ROM flash.
2. Best way is to place Firmware PG58IMG.zip, ROM and Superwipe script on the root of your SD Card.
3. Shut down phone and remove SD card.
4. Boot phone to Bootloader (Power+Vol down).
5. Move selection to Recovery, but don't select yet.
6. Insert SD, then select Recovery.
7. Flash Superwipe (ARHD Superwipe will reboot when done, others may not. Make sure it is a superwipe for the sensation!) & then Flash ROM.
8. Power down, then boot to Bootloader. Select Fastboot. Say yes to upgrade.
9. Watch the flash. It will flash 3 or 4 things, then reboot to bootloader. Don't panic when screen goes dark. Bootloader will come back and it will finish flashing.
10. Now select reboot.
11. Wait (up to 10 minutes) for ROM to boot up.
12. Set up your phone and enjoy ICS!!!
Ezt a részt is figyelembe kell venni romrakásnál?