SpeedMod (Hardcore) kernel Latest features:
- Compiled using codesourcery 2010.09: Faster and more battery efficient
- The only properly working Tiny RCU implementation, thanks to Paul McKenney
- More efficient: Removed debug logging from kernel and Android
- Most updated version of my Enhanced Universal Lagfix fork with improved stability
- Full Android 2.2.1 ROM compatibility
This kernel has:
- Based on JPX Android 2.2.1 kernel source
- Works on all stock Froyo 2.2 and 2.2.1 ROMs and popular custom ROMs
- 340MB RAM
- Enhanced version of
sztupy's Universal Lagfix
- Includes neldar's BackLightNotification 2.3 from You are not allowed to view links.
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Login- Sharpness (AMOLED mode) & color fixes for the screen
- SpeedMod: Replaced kernel jhash2 with jhash3
- Includes my Startup Tweaks from You are not allowed to view links.
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Login- Adjusted kernel HZ value to improve smoothness
- Updated ext4 code in kernel from You are not allowed to view links.
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Login- Properly working Tiny RCU for better speed and efficiency from You are not allowed to view links.
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Login- Patched lowmemorykiller for compatibility with Tiny RCU from You are not allowed to view links.
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Login- Optimized compiler flags: -mcpu=cortex-a8 -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=softfp
Memory configs (K10J and later):
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