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LoginFeatures list:
BlueAudio 3 comes with some exciting new features:
# Multiple headset support: use BlueMusic to handle all your Bluetooth headsets, with just a few taps
# A2DP headset support: use BlueMusic 3 to listen to wireless stereo music over Bluetooth!
Mono/phone headset support: blueMusic 3 supports the classic phone headsets.# Phone events support: Bluemusic 3 can accept calls, reject them and even send SMS messages automatically to automate your Mobile device
# After call resume: this feature restores the bluetooth audio connection after a phone call has been completed.
# User friendly: BlueMusic comes with a fingerfriendly, animated user interface.
# Today plugin: for pocket pc users, the software provides an additional today plugin for easy control
# Free trial version, just a quick download and you can have your copy!