Köszönöm, így fogok tenni.
Köszönöm, így fogok tenni.
Általában 200MB-os fájlokat lehet feltölteni. Nekem a addat.hu jobban tetszik a data.hu-nál, mert nincs várakozási idő a letöltésnél. Ha egy fájlt 90 napig nem töltenek le, akkor otomatice törlődik.
A rapidon szintén lehet ingyenes tárhelyet csinálni. Hasonló az addat.hu-hoz.
Only files stored in the Collector's Zone (here) can score points. Once they are downloaded by a free-user, each of them generates a RapidPoint. Subject to the condition is that the file is at least 5 Megabyte in size and the downloader has generated not more than 3 RapidPoints in the last hours. Premium users can generate for you up to 255 points per day.
NoticeWe support http:// and ftp://.
The download link must directly point to the targeted file without redirecting, otherwise the redirecting page will be copied.
Your new links will appear after the upload in the Collector's Zone is completed.
Files must not be larger than 210,000,000 byte (200 Megabyte). Otherwise the upload will be cancelled.
If a combination of login & password is necessary to access the files, you can adjust the link accordingly.
Syntax: You are not allowed to view links.
Register or
Login For how long are files stored?In principle, we host data without a time limit. But files that have not been accessed for 90 days are deleted to relieve the system of forgotten and not needed content. This rule does not apply to Premium members.
How often can my files be downloaded?For Collector's and Premium Accounts there is no limitation. Files uploaded by free users can be downloaded 10 times, but can be easily transferred to a free Collector's or a Premium Account.