2024, 12 18, 14:26:05

Szerző Téma: Unlock, Custom Recovery, Root, S-OFF  (Megtekintve 41027 alkalommal)

0 Felhasználó és 1 vendég van a témában

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  • Hozzászólások: 12387
  • Nem: Férfi
  • PDA: IPhone 11 Pro Max
  • PDA ROM: 13.2.3
Re: Unlock, Custom Recovery, Root, S-OFF
« Reply #25 Dátum: 2016, 05 30, 22:20:34 »
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Ha valami nem tiszta, kérdezzetek!

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  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Sygic / Igo
  • PDA: HTC U 12+
  • PDA ROM: Gyári 1.30.401.2
Re: Unlock, Custom Recovery, Root, S-OFF
« Reply #26 Dátum: 2016, 05 30, 22:48:08 »
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Ha valami nem tiszta, kérdezzetek!
Szerintem jó és érthető a leírás.  :taps: :ok:
Ne hagyd hát, hogy frusztrált emberek lehúzzanak a sikertelenségük mocsarába,és ne törődj a negatív emberekkel!

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  • Hozzászólások: 12387
  • Nem: Férfi
  • PDA: IPhone 11 Pro Max
  • PDA ROM: 13.2.3
Re: Unlock, Custom Recovery, Root, S-OFF
« Reply #27 Dátum: 2016, 05 30, 22:59:25 »
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Szerintem jó és érthető a leírás.  :taps: :ok:
Remélem javítanak a Sunshine-hibán, amit a szerverük okoz-letilt a túl gyakori s-off/s-on/s-off próbák során. Mondjuk a Livechat működött, jcase segített, amint felébredt... :)

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  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Unlock, Custom Recovery, Root, S-OFF
« Reply #28 Dátum: 2016, 06 02, 18:55:02 »
[KERNEL] [June 1] ElementalX-HTC10-0.04
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-performance and power optimizations to CPU, GPU, crypto, ZRAM, networking, disk, kernel scheduler, and interactive governor
-driver updates from Qualcomm
-maintain thread migration to big cluster with high temperatures

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  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Unlock, Custom Recovery, Root, S-OFF
« Reply #29 Dátum: 2016, 06 04, 11:17:20 »
[KERNEL] [June 3] ElementalX-HTC10-0.05
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-update to 1.53 kernel source
-disable Button Mapper support by default
-add Button Mapper support as installer option

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  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Unlock, Custom Recovery, Root, S-OFF
« Reply #30 Dátum: 2016, 06 08, 09:26:35 »
[KERNEL] [June 7] ElementalX-HTC10-0.06

-Update to latest 1.55 kernel source from HTC
-fix merge error that probably caused that charing bug (thanks @tbalden for pointing it out). Sorry I didn't get to this earlier.

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-update to 1.55 kernel source
-fix charging error

Nem elérhető Rizsi

  • Örökös tag
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  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Unlock, Custom Recovery, Root, S-OFF
« Reply #31 Dátum: 2016, 07 05, 13:58:34 »
[STABLE][2016.07.05] SuperSU v2.76
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- Clear logs now asks for confirmation
 - Fixed memory leak that could ultimately lead to reboots or root not working
 - Fixed an issue that might have causes root loss on temporary unroot
 - Added guide screen for new users

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  • Örökös tag
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  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Unlock, Custom Recovery, Root, S-OFF
« Reply #32 Dátum: 2016, 07 30, 15:22:53 »
EX Kernel Manager
-new LED settings for HTC 10
-sRGB setting for OnePlus 3
-support BLN on Samsung devices
-bug fixes

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  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: Unlock, Custom Recovery, Root, S-OFF
« Reply #33 Dátum: 2016, 09 16, 16:03:47 »
[BETA][2016.09.15] SuperSU v2.78 SR1
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SRx instead of BETA
We're moving from BETA to Service Release naming, so we can keep the version number for the next test release the same as the current stable release. So, v2.78 SR1 is what would have been v2.79 BETA before.

While this may be slightly more confusing, we need to keep the version numbers the same to reduce the effectiveness of people trying to upload the test releases to stores (many stores will not accept a version number already present). Surprisingly, this is a real problem on non-Play stores.

15.09.2016 - v2.78 - SR1
- subinary: Adjust app_process detection with manipulated mount namespaces
- subinary: Adjust Zygote PID detection to prefer 64-bit
- subinary: Fix possible NPE in LD_PRELOAD sanitization
- subinary: In systemless mode, ensure PATH contains /su/bin and /su/xbin
- supolicy: Ensure zero-on-alloc for new rules
- supolicy: Fix parsing allowxperm with multiple sources/targets in a single definition
- ZIP/Systemless: Give su.d 60 seconds to execute (from 4 seconds)

Nem elérhető nteeb

  • Örökös tag
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  • Hozzászólások: 12387
  • Nem: Férfi
  • PDA: IPhone 11 Pro Max
  • PDA ROM: 13.2.3
Re: Unlock, Custom Recovery, Root, S-OFF
« Reply #34 Dátum: 2016, 11 21, 09:16:35 »

"Version 3.4.12
Temproot now supports all known HTC 10 software versions"

Tehát nem kell a gyári rendszert a htcdev.com-on nyitni+rootolni ahhoz, hogy a SunShine lefusson. Azaz nincs adatvesztés sem! :taps:

Nem elérhető balla62

  • ****
  • Hozzászólások: 2473
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Sygic / Igo
  • PDA: HTC U 12+
  • PDA ROM: Gyári 1.30.401.2
Re: Unlock, Custom Recovery, Root, S-OFF
« Reply #35 Dátum: 2016, 12 01, 07:11:37 »
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Fix shell-based scripts/services possibly not being executed on 7.x firmwares
Add SecurityLogAgent to Samsung KNOX detection
sukernel: force seclabel
Ne hagyd hát, hogy frusztrált emberek lehúzzanak a sikertelenségük mocsarába,és ne törődj a negatív emberekkel!

Nem elérhető Rizsi

  • Örökös tag
  • ****
  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Unlock, Custom Recovery, Root, S-OFF
« Reply #36 Dátum: 2016, 12 16, 23:02:24 »
[STABLE][2016.12.15] SuperSU v2.79
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SuperSU V2.79 is essentially the stable version of V2.78 SR5, now available on both XDA and Google Play Store. For the past few months, Chainfire and the team have decided to rename the beta versions as service release (SR). Thus the next beta version is expected to be named as v2.79 SR1. The reason for this change is partly due to a significant number of websites outside of XDA update their SuperSU when an elevation of version number takes place ( such as 2.76 to 2.77 beta), but they do not label out the beta. Thus the conventional beta release will be assumed as stable version release in many places other than of XDA. Users who only wish for stable versions (or too shy to test their phones with betas) may accidentally update their SuperSU to beta version.

Nem elérhető Rizsi

  • Örökös tag
  • ****
  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Unlock, Custom Recovery, Root, S-OFF
« Reply #37 Dátum: 2017, 03 11, 09:36:44 »
TWRP v3.1.0
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TWRP v3.1.0 Change-log

vold decrypt on a few select HTC devices, TWRP will now attempt to use the system partition’s vold and vdc binaries and libraries to decrypt the data partition (nkk71 and CaptainThrowback)

adb backup to stream a backup directly to or from your PC, see documentation here: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login (bigbiff)

tweak MTP startup routines (mdmower)

support new Android 7.x xattrs for backup and restore to fix loss of data after a restore (Dees_Troy)

support POSIX file capabilities backup and restore to fix VoLTE on HTC devices and possibly other issues (Dees_Troy)

better indicate to users that internal storage is not backed up (Dees_Troy)

improve automatic determination of TW_THEME (mdmower)

minimal getcap and setcap support (_that)

try mounting both ext4 and f2fs during decrypt (jcadduono and Dees_Troy)

shut off backlight with power key (mdmower)

timeout during FDE decrypt (Dees_Troy and nkk71)

support for FBE decrypt and backing up and restoring FBE policies (Dees_Troy)

boot slot support (Dees_Troy)

TWRP app install prompt during reboot (Dees_Troy)

support for AB OTA zips (Dees_Troy)

support new Android 7.x log command (Dees_Troy)

update recovery sources to AOSP 7.1 (Dees_Troy)

numerous bugfixes and improvements by too many people to mention