Alapból nincs az N900-on újrainditási lehetőség, de aki mégis egy gombnyomásra meg akarja oldani a Reboot-ot az olvassa el ezt You are not allowed to view links.
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LoginKell hozzá rootsh extrák adattár, és Midnight Commander. Letölteni, telepíteni. Ezekkel a segédprogramokkal lesz csak roorth hozzáférésed.
"* type sudo gainroot to enable root access
* type mc to launch Midnight Commander
* in the Midnight Commander, using the keyboard arrows, browse to the /ect/systemui/ folder and select the systemui.xml file
* make a copy of that file, just in case that you do something wrong, so that you can simply restore its original version anytime
* tap the 4 Edit button (at the bottom) to open the text editor
* at the bottom of the file you will notice that part of it (consisting of three ... entries) is disabled within the "comment" marks (starting ).
* move the "comment" marks mentioned above "<!--" (e.g. by deleting and re-typing them in other place) so that the two remaining entries ("Soft poweroff" and "Top in XTerm") are still within them but the "Reboot" entry gets outside of them
* tap 10 Quit button at the bottom of the editor and confirm in the requester that you want to save the file (if you don't see the 10 Quit button you may need to change the X-Terminal font size to 10)
* exit Midnight Commander, close X-Terminal and reboot the device
* after the N900 reboots, you should see the new "Reboot" option in the Menu.
When using the X-Terminal with root access enabled, be EXTREMELY CAUTIOUS! Root access enables you to modify (and thus also DAMAGE) all system files, which can even result in BRICKING the device. If you don't know what you are doing, better don't do it."Röviden, csak saját felelősségre.