2024, 12 18, 17:16:32

Szerző Téma: ROM-ok, kernelek  (Megtekintve 136743 alkalommal)

0 Felhasználó és 1 vendég van a témában

Nem elérhető arsenelupin

  • Hozzászólások: 141
  • Nem: Férfi
  • PFC Fan
  • PDA: LG G2,Nexus 4
  • PDA ROM: valami folytán mindig 10E a vége :)
Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #1025 Dátum: 2016, 12 22, 22:19:42 »
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Ha a legutolso gyari image-et flashelted be akkor a legutolso radionak kell a vason lennie. Ujabb mar nem lesz. A Google nem ad ki tobb frissitest a 4-re.

Update: Ez a legutolso image: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Neked melyik kernel van fent PN 7.1 rommal?

Tapatalkkal küldve az én Nexus 4 eszközömről

Nem elérhető Rizsi

  • Örökös tag
  • ****
  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #1026 Dátum: 2016, 12 22, 22:22:23 »
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Neked melyik kernel van fent PN 7.1 rommal?

Tapatalkkal küldve az én Nexus 4 eszközömről
Az ami a ROM-ban van.

Nem elérhető Rizsi

  • Örökös tag
  • ****
  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #1027 Dátum: 2017, 01 08, 22:53:12 »
[ROM][N4][7.1.1_r13]★ Pure Nexus ★ Substratum ★[01/07/17]
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Official PN Mini Gapps: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

SuperSU - Beta: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

Upcoming Release Changelog

Change:  Initial bringup of Pixel C device tree, kernel, blobs

Fix:  bug where power off option brings up reboot menu

Fix:  bug where navbar was not set to on by default

01/06/17 Release Changelog

Change:  Update to latest aosp 7.1.1_r13 january security

Change:  Initial bringup of Pixel & Pixel XL device tree, kernel, blobs, gapps

Change:  expose notification shade background alpha for themers

Change:  expose various quick settings text colors for themers

Change:  expose our own quick settings expanded icon drawables for themers

Change:  expose incallui dial pad digit colors for themers (aosp dialer)

Change:  expose Calculator elevations for themers

Change:  expose storage settings icon colors for themers

Change:  expose settings linear colorbar colors for themers

Change:  expose color for external settings icons

Change:  expose quick settings battery icon

Change:  turned off bluetooth by default

Change:  improved scrolling cache

Change:  added a confirmation dialog to the power off option

Feature:  Added ability to change volume steps on the fly

Feature:  Added ability to enable/disable pixel navbar animation

Feature:  Added ability to disable quick settings on a secure lockscreen

Feature:  Added advanced data quick settings tile option

Feature:  Added ability to enable bluetooth battery indicator

Feature:  Added back battery bar options

Feature:  Added option to force enable or force disable scrolling cache

Feature:  Added ability to set custom brightness with night light

Feature:  Added ability to turn off navigation bar and change navigation bar height/width

Feature:  Added 3 finger swipe gesture for screenshot option

Feature:  Added ability to filter substratum icon overlays in settings>apps

Feature:  Added ability to show app icon on toast

Feature:  Added ability to enter pure nexus settings when long pressing settings icon(ICON WIP)

Feature:  Added the Pixel sounds to all devices

Feature:  Enable google Assistant on all devices :)

Feature:  Add the Pixel live wallpapers

Feature:  Added download speed in notification

Fix:  google typo on angler perfd build.prop edit

Fix:  oversixed ! mark when battery is critically low

Fix:  potential force close with bad themed battery icons

Fix:  potential facelock crash when lockscreen is disabled

Fix:  logcat spam from various sources

Fix:  immersive mode dont panic if set by the user

Fix:  wallpaper flicker on initial setup on some devices

Fix:  battery text and no sim statusbar gap issues

Fix:  audio not working on wifi display

Fix:  issue where terminal would be spammed with Find Emulator when building

Fix:  issue where threads would be limited by ninja

Fix:  don't show the show overlays option when no overlays are installed

Fix:  exclude overlays from app counter

Fix:  issue with ok google detection in certain scenarios

Fix:  sepolicy related issue with phh superuser

Fix:  tethering in certain scenarios

Remove:  miracast prop from device trees(it didn't work)

Remove:  unused gapps permission files in frameworks

Updated:  the pixel theme and pixel platform icons

Nem elérhető arsenelupin

  • Hozzászólások: 141
  • Nem: Férfi
  • PFC Fan
  • PDA: LG G2,Nexus 4
  • PDA ROM: valami folytán mindig 10E a vége :)
Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #1028 Dátum: 2017, 01 08, 23:00:48 »
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[ROM][N4][7.1.1_r13]★ Pure Nexus ★ Substratum ★[01/07/17]
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Official PN Mini Gapps: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

SuperSU - Beta: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

Upcoming Release Changelog

Change:  Initial bringup of Pixel C device tree, kernel, blobs

Fix:  bug where power off option brings up reboot menu

Fix:  bug where navbar was not set to on by default

01/06/17 Release Changelog

Change:  Update to latest aosp 7.1.1_r13 january security

Change:  Initial bringup of Pixel & Pixel XL device tree, kernel, blobs, gapps

Change:  expose notification shade background alpha for themers

Change:  expose various quick settings text colors for themers

Change:  expose our own quick settings expanded icon drawables for themers

Change:  expose incallui dial pad digit colors for themers (aosp dialer)

Change:  expose Calculator elevations for themers

Change:  expose storage settings icon colors for themers

Change:  expose settings linear colorbar colors for themers

Change:  expose color for external settings icons

Change:  expose quick settings battery icon

Change:  turned off bluetooth by default

Change:  improved scrolling cache

Change:  added a confirmation dialog to the power off option

Feature:  Added ability to change volume steps on the fly

Feature:  Added ability to enable/disable pixel navbar animation

Feature:  Added ability to disable quick settings on a secure lockscreen

Feature:  Added advanced data quick settings tile option

Feature:  Added ability to enable bluetooth battery indicator

Feature:  Added back battery bar options

Feature:  Added option to force enable or force disable scrolling cache

Feature:  Added ability to set custom brightness with night light

Feature:  Added ability to turn off navigation bar and change navigation bar height/width

Feature:  Added 3 finger swipe gesture for screenshot option

Feature:  Added ability to filter substratum icon overlays in settings>apps

Feature:  Added ability to show app icon on toast

Feature:  Added ability to enter pure nexus settings when long pressing settings icon(ICON WIP)

Feature:  Added the Pixel sounds to all devices

Feature:  Enable google Assistant on all devices :)

Feature:  Add the Pixel live wallpapers

Feature:  Added download speed in notification

Fix:  google typo on angler perfd build.prop edit

Fix:  oversixed ! mark when battery is critically low

Fix:  potential force close with bad themed battery icons

Fix:  potential facelock crash when lockscreen is disabled

Fix:  logcat spam from various sources

Fix:  immersive mode dont panic if set by the user

Fix:  wallpaper flicker on initial setup on some devices

Fix:  battery text and no sim statusbar gap issues

Fix:  audio not working on wifi display

Fix:  issue where terminal would be spammed with Find Emulator when building

Fix:  issue where threads would be limited by ninja

Fix:  don't show the show overlays option when no overlays are installed

Fix:  exclude overlays from app counter

Fix:  issue with ok google detection in certain scenarios

Fix:  sepolicy related issue with phh superuser

Fix:  tethering in certain scenarios

Remove:  miracast prop from device trees(it didn't work)

Remove:  unused gapps permission files in frameworks

Updated:  the pixel theme and pixel platform icons
Fuu...vissza PN-ra a Nexus 4-el!  :D
Egy darabig most Cm alapu romot hasznaltam..
Te feltetted mar ezt a buildet?

Tapatalkkal küldve az én Nexus 4 eszközömről

Nem elérhető Rizsi

  • Örökös tag
  • ****
  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #1029 Dátum: 2017, 01 09, 19:09:34 »
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Fuu...vissza PN-ra a Nexus 4-el!  :D
Egy darabig most Cm alapu romot hasznaltam..
Te feltetted mar ezt a buildet?

Tapatalkkal küldve az én Nexus 4 eszközömről
Mar nincs meg a vas.

Nem elérhető arsenelupin

  • Hozzászólások: 141
  • Nem: Férfi
  • PFC Fan
  • PDA: LG G2,Nexus 4
  • PDA ROM: valami folytán mindig 10E a vége :)
Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #1030 Dátum: 2017, 01 09, 19:18:34 »
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Mar nincs meg a vas.
Eladtad a legendat? :) En is hirdetgettem par helyen mert mar nem fo telefonnak hasznalom de olyan szinten probaljak porig alkudni h inkább megtartom.

Tapatalkkal küldve az én Nexus 4 eszközömről

Nem elérhető Rizsi

  • Örökös tag
  • ****
  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #1031 Dátum: 2017, 01 09, 21:35:49 »
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Eladtad a legendat? :) En is hirdetgettem par helyen mert mar nem fo telefonnak hasznalom de olyan szinten probaljak porig alkudni h inkább megtartom.

Tapatalkkal küldve az én Nexus 4 eszközömről
Egy jo baratomnak hirtelen kellett egy telefon es mondtam akkor vigyed. Nalam ugy is  csak az asztalon hevert.

Nem elérhető arsenelupin

  • Hozzászólások: 141
  • Nem: Férfi
  • PFC Fan
  • PDA: LG G2,Nexus 4
  • PDA ROM: valami folytán mindig 10E a vége :)
Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #1032 Dátum: 2017, 02 16, 21:15:36 »
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Egy jo baratomnak hirtelen kellett egy telefon es mondtam akkor vigyed. Nalam ugy is  csak az asztalon hevert.
szia Rizsi.
Dirty unicorn 7.1 volt a vason quanta kernellel. holnap vinném a telefont egy srácnak és gondoltam a menüböl gyalulom(gyári beállitások vissza) ujraindult Twrp-be onnan semmi. megcsináltam ott a wipe-ot.
majd ujratettem a romot innen. de nem bootol,csak Twrp-be. mi lehet a gond?

Nem elérhető Rizsi

  • Örökös tag
  • ****
  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #1033 Dátum: 2017, 02 17, 16:35:21 »
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szia Rizsi.
Dirty unicorn 7.1 volt a vason quanta kernellel. holnap vinném a telefont egy srácnak és gondoltam a menüböl gyalulom(gyári beállitások vissza) ujraindult Twrp-be onnan semmi. megcsináltam ott a wipe-ot.
majd ujratettem a romot innen. de nem bootol,csak Twrp-be. mi lehet a gond?
Szia! Flasheld ujra a ROM-ot en a Pure Nexus-t ajanlom. A legjobb ROM Nexusokra.

Nem elérhető Rizsi

  • Örökös tag
  • ****
  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #1034 Dátum: 2017, 02 17, 23:23:28 »
[ROM][N4][7.1.1_r21]★ Pure Nexus ★ Substratum ★[02/17/17]
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Mini Dynamic GAPPS: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

Supersu v2.79 SR3: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

02/15/17 Release Changelog

Update:  update to latest february source android_7.1.1_r21

Update:  update proprietary binaries for all supported devices

Update:  update kernel source for all supported devices

Update:  update Masquerade app to latest version

Added:  initial translations for N have been merged

Change:  expose back icon tint color for themers in contacts common

Change:  expose adb N icon for themers

Change:  expose quick settings tiles tint color for themers

Change:  expose keyguard affordance circle background for themers

Change:  expose bluetooth pin confirm dialog text colors for themers

Change:  change numberpicker divider color to pixel blue

Change:  do not disturb tile longpress when active to show detail view

Feature:  add toggle to make bluetooth/data/wifi toggles east toggles

Feature:  add incall vibration options compatible with google dialer

Feature:  add option for immersive recent apps

Feature:  add option to enable a recents kill all fab button and location

Feature:  add option to enable/disable the quick setting battery icon syncing with statusbar

Fix:  sideloading of apks with certain apps installed (one handed mode regression)

Fix:  restore user brightness level after reboot with night light on

Fix:  visual glitch in network traffic meter

Nem elérhető arsenelupin

  • Hozzászólások: 141
  • Nem: Férfi
  • PFC Fan
  • PDA: LG G2,Nexus 4
  • PDA ROM: valami folytán mindig 10E a vége :)
Re: ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #1035 Dátum: 2017, 02 19, 21:21:30 »
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[ROM][N4][7.1.1_r21]★ Pure Nexus ★ Substratum ★[02/17/17]
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Mini Dynamic GAPPS: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

Supersu v2.79 SR3: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

02/15/17 Release Changelog

Update:  update to latest february source android_7.1.1_r21

Update:  update proprietary binaries for all supported devices

Update:  update kernel source for all supported devices

Update:  update Masquerade app to latest version

Added:  initial translations for N have been merged

Change:  expose back icon tint color for themers in contacts common

Change:  expose adb N icon for themers

Change:  expose quick settings tiles tint color for themers

Change:  expose keyguard affordance circle background for themers

Change:  expose bluetooth pin confirm dialog text colors for themers

Change:  change numberpicker divider color to pixel blue

Change:  do not disturb tile longpress when active to show detail view

Feature:  add toggle to make bluetooth/data/wifi toggles east toggles

Feature:  add incall vibration options compatible with google dialer

Feature:  add option for immersive recent apps

Feature:  add option to enable a recents kill all fab button and location

Feature:  add option to enable/disable the quick setting battery icon syncing with statusbar

Fix:  sideloading of apks with certain apps installed (one handed mode regression)

Fix:  restore user brightness level after reboot with night light on

Fix:  visual glitch in network traffic meter
köszi. végül flasheltem egy gyári img-t az hozta helyre a vasat. és azzal a lendülettel ment is vissza a PN februári buildje :D :ok:

Nem elérhető Rizsi

  • Örökös tag
  • ****
  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #1036 Dátum: 2017, 03 11, 09:14:24 »
TWRP v3.1.0
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TWRP v3.1.0 Change-log

vold decrypt on a few select HTC devices, TWRP will now attempt to use the system partition’s vold and vdc binaries and libraries to decrypt the data partition (nkk71 and CaptainThrowback)

adb backup to stream a backup directly to or from your PC, see documentation here: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login (bigbiff)

tweak MTP startup routines (mdmower)

support new Android 7.x xattrs for backup and restore to fix loss of data after a restore (Dees_Troy)

support POSIX file capabilities backup and restore to fix VoLTE on HTC devices and possibly other issues (Dees_Troy)

better indicate to users that internal storage is not backed up (Dees_Troy)

improve automatic determination of TW_THEME (mdmower)

minimal getcap and setcap support (_that)

try mounting both ext4 and f2fs during decrypt (jcadduono and Dees_Troy)

shut off backlight with power key (mdmower)

timeout during FDE decrypt (Dees_Troy and nkk71)

support for FBE decrypt and backing up and restoring FBE policies (Dees_Troy)

boot slot support (Dees_Troy)

TWRP app install prompt during reboot (Dees_Troy)

support for AB OTA zips (Dees_Troy)

support new Android 7.x log command (Dees_Troy)

update recovery sources to AOSP 7.1 (Dees_Troy)

numerous bugfixes and improvements by too many people to mention

Nem elérhető Rizsi

  • Örökös tag
  • ****
  • Hozzászólások: 9699
  • Nem: Férfi
  • Navigáció / Navigation: Google Maps
  • PDA: OnePlus 11
  • PDA ROM: Stock + Magisk
ROM-ok, kernelek
« Reply #1037 Dátum: 2017, 03 21, 21:45:17 »
[ROM][N4][7.1.1_r26]★ Pure Nexus ★ Substratum ★[03/20/17]
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03/17/17 Release Changelog

Update:  update to latest march source android_7.1.1_r26

Update:  update proprietary binaries for all supported devices

Update:  update kernel source for all supported devices

Update:  update Masquerade app to ThemeInterfacer for rootless substratum

Update:  update translations with the latest from crowdin

Change:  move from aosp calculator to prebuilt google calculator

Change:  move from aosp keyboard to prebuilt GBoard

Change:  move from aosp contacts/dialer to prebuilt google contacts/dialer

Change:  hybrid approach to gapps now all devices get pixel style prebuilt gapps

Change:  unofficial builds are now called unofficial not homemade

Change:  update power menu volume selector to pixel blue

Remove:  exposures and modifications from aosp apps we no longer support

Remove:  backuptool as it is no longer needed for gapps

Note:  a lot of work went into this release and i don't have a 1:1 comparison against last release so the changelog will look smaller than it actually is, various code improvements and bug fixes are included as well, and the hybrid gapps approach is to alleviate issue caused by alternative gapps packages(pixels arleady have had this). The xda Threads will be updated to account for all current features, so use that as more of a changelog this release than this changelog. Now that life has settled down releases should be more often and the next release will be geared towards new features where this release is mainly geared towards stability and rootless substratum.