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Egy lelkes tag az XDA-n @audahadi egesz jol megszegelte a 2.7.0-as TWRP-t is. Megfelelo driverek mellett mukodik az USB mount is es az OTG is. USB mountnal kell varni 30-40 masodpercet mire csatolja a meghajtot, de mukodik. Tovabba megerositettek, hogy mukodik az offline charge is (kikapcsolt allapotban toltes.) Innen tudjatok letolteni: You are not allowed to view links.
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Tested on Win 8.1 pro 64-bit
1. backup - ok
2. restore - ok
3. wipe Dalvik Cache and Cache - ok
4. flash a Sense - ok
5. mount UMS - ok
*need to wait 40 - 60 sec before it is mounted. After unmount, remount will mount the UMS immediately.
6. ADB in Recovery - ok
*need to mount UMS first and mounted. Then either the UMS is mounted or unmounted, the ADB in recovery works in both scenario.